Although we have and can handle investigations and claims in relation to any area of medical practice, particular areas do seem to generate more claims than others. We are dedicated to delivering exceptional legal advice to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Find out more about the types of medical negligence compensation claims we have handled (and are handling) in specific areas of medical practice below.

Birth Injury

Always a hot topic in medical litigation. Obstetrics claims handled involve cerebral palsy claims, other birth injury claims, as well as maternal injury claims.

Accident & Emergency

The first point of contact for those in urgent need.  With a host of common time-critical problems, any delay or error can have profound consequences.

General practice

The cornerstone of our health-care system and unfortunately, an area of medicine in which claims often arise, most commonly for failure to further investigate or refer for specialist advice.

Bariatric surgery

An emerging key area of practice.

Tragically, an area in which surgery, often portrayed as simple, risk-free and effective can have devastating consequences.

We have handled and continue to handle large numbers of cases involving lap band, sleeve gastrectomy and other weight-loss surgery.


An area related to women’s health-based cases that, unfortunately, are the most common area for claims. Often cases hinge on poor communication: inadequate warnings, lack of discussion about alternatives etc.

Orthopaedics + Neurosurgery

A traditionally high-volume area of surgical claims. Claims are frequently seen and handled involving poor advice, technical proficiency and management of post-operative complications (infection and DVT particularly).


Increasing reliance on imaging and the volume of work faced by radiologists, result, perhaps inevitably, in errors of analysis and reporting.

The blurring of lines between surgeon and radiologist in interventional radiology is also a recurrent area of claims.


An emerging area of work, with growing recognition of mental health and limits on available resources.

Cases include misdiagnosis, poor management of medication and failure to identify and protect at-risk patients, sometimes with tragic consequences.


Always an emotive and complex area of work. Claims relating to delay in diagnosis and treatment of most common (and some very uncommon) forms of cancer, sadly arise far more often than they should.

Other claims

Apart from the areas above, we have handled and are handling a huge number of claims covering areas such as cardiology, gastroenterology, cosmetic surgery and nursing care. Allied health care claims have included claims relating to physiotherapy, occupational therapy and naturopathy.

We understand that often deciding to investigate a claim is a very big first step to take. Most people are frightened of or at least apprehensive of the legal system, lawyers, or at the thought of ‘taking on’ a doctor, hospital or ‘the medical profession.’

To make it as easy as possible, just fill out the form and we will contact you to let you know whether we think investigating a claim is something you should think about. There’s no obligation and no fee involved.

If you’d prefer, we can even just send you an email answering your question (if it is simple enough!) or pointing you in the right direction.

If we think a claim is worth investigating, we’ll arrange to meet for a coffee and a chat.

If you want, go ahead and let us help you with the first step.

You can also contact us directly:



Unit 2, 194 Hay Street,