Accident & Emergency

Accident and Emergency, like General Practice, is a critical first point of contact for many in need of medical advice.  Like general practice, the key role for A+E medicine is to evaluate and categorise patients between those with benign or less serious health concerns and those with serious, time-critical illness or injury.

Unlike many other areas of medicine, time can be of the essence in such evaluation and initiation of appropriate care.  Heart attack and stroke are obvious examples.  Some forms of infection (meningitis, group A streptococcus) are also time-critical.


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About Julian Johnson

Renowned as Perth’s leading medical negligence lawyer, Julian Johnson is the founder and principal of Julian Johnson Lawyers. He graduated in Law from the University of Western Australia in 1988 and became a partner at Ilbery Barblett and O’Dea, before establishing his own firm in 2001. Julian is dedicated to assisting those who have suffered from inadequate medical care. He is recognised as a leading national lawyer in medical negligence by Doyle’s Guide.

We understand that often deciding to investigate a claim is a very big first step to take. Most people are frightened of or at least apprehensive of the legal system, lawyers, or at the thought of ‘taking on’ a doctor, hospital or ‘the medical profession.’

To make it as easy as possible, just fill out the form and we will contact you to let you know whether we think investigating a claim is something you should think about. There’s no obligation and no fee involved…

If you’d prefer we can even just send you an email answering your question (if it is simple enough!) or pointing you in the right direction.

If we think a claim is worth investigating, we’ll arrange to meet for a coffee and a chat.

If you want, go ahead and let us help you with the first step.

You can also contact us directly:



64 Churchill Avenue,