Fairness (?) + Non-Pecuniary Loss Awards in medical cases

As I have observed from time to time, a previously common, now almost universal sentiment of disappointment is expressed by clients when advised as to the likely scale of compensation they would be awarded by the courts for their pain, suffering and loss of enjoyment...

The Value of an Apology.. its more than you may think!

In several cases concluded in the last month or 2 of 2013, I have again been reminded of the remarkable ‘value’ of an expression of regret by health professionals in two recent cases. In the first, following a mediation in the court, very much to his...

IVF triplets and Melchior claim – emotion aside

I note with interest the recent article in the Australian, confirming a wrongful birth claim for the parents of triplets in Queensland, alleging a breach of contract by their IVF provider, by which they had agreed that no more than 2 embryos would be implanted, yet...